When do I need to pay by?

Please choose regarding “finance my trip” this will explain in detail you can then choose the best fit for you. Then contact us and will will discuss it all with you. If you are totally funding the trip yourself we offer two or five month payment terms two months of £625 or 5 months of £250 as long as the payments are complete 10 weeks pre-the first day of your challenge. Any other Arrangements you would have to contact head office.

How fit do I need to be for this challenge?

It’s important to have basic fitness level and ideally be able to swim at a reasonable standard. We can supply you with training tips to prepare you for the challenge months before you go. We tend to find that most people could complete a jog for 3KM + and 20 press ups 40 situps as a rule of thumb this can be implemented in your training one to 3 months before you go on the challenge. Challengers tend to be training 2 to 4 times a week or a member of a boxing, kickboxing, MMA or Thai boxing club in the UK or someone it’s generally fit and may have completed other fitness challenges for charity in the past.

2024 May 13th to Sunday 19th 

2025 April (Exact dates to be announced shortly)

Can I pay in installments?

Yes, it’s interest free to pay in instalments and if your self funding the challenge we ask that 100% of the challenge cost is paid no later than 12 weeks before the challenge starts. We offer two months at £625 a month or five months at £250 a month. Special arrangements can be made for company payments or teams of clubs/gyms etc. for more info on this please fill out the contact form.

Do you offer UK challenges?

Currently we don’t directly offer UK challenges but we do run eight week boxing courses with an event at the end through our partners Zero2hero boxing and LBM boxing league for more info on this please contact us through our contact form.

Can I ask more questions and talk to a real person?

Yes of course. There are two ways to do this please fill out form on the contact us page or call us directly on 07595 217 479.

Can I raise money for the charity I choose?

Yes, you can either self fund and run a just giving page or contact the charity you’d like to raise for or we can contact the charity on your behalf to look at the sponsorship options. 

Will I get help with fundraising?

We can’t speak for every charity but the Lennox children’s Cancer fund will have a dedicated person to set up your just giving page and give you 10 tips and ideas on how to hit your target they can also give you parts and other methods to raise funds. For more info about the Lennox Children’s Cancer fund please click here.

What happens if I got injured during the challenge?

You will need to have your own a travel insurance that covers adventurous activities our first aider will have basic first aid knowledge but would refer you to Thailand health officials if this was needed. LBM combat charity challenge do not insure any clients or challenges in any challenge independent insurance is a must.

Can I complete the challenge with my friend or partner?

Yes of course. As long as the general fitness level is obtained if your sharing the room you will each get a £50 discount on the final price of the challenge once both parties have paid in full.

Can I cancel the trip?

Cancellations are only accepted in a Dr’s note can confirm a serious reason why you can’t attend, we look to 1st carry over your booking to the next available date or if it’s a permanent injury or medical issue, we would refund the challenge cost minus your admin fee. The admin fee is non refundable. Any funds raised for charity will not be refunded under any circumstance. No refund policy for any other reason.

Do you have more questions?